A year on from the start of Covid, our Spring Market Update looks at the state of London’s Prime and Super Prime residential property markets. We consider the impact of Covid-19 and lockdowns and share our outlook for the year ahead. We are excited to bring you our first video update and hope you enjoy some of the stunning shots of London as the sun returns and restrictions begin to ease.



The Spring Market Update is presented by Richard Rogerson. Richard is CEO of RFR and leads the firm’s consultancy practice. Over the last decade, Richard has advised on many high profile, high value and highly sensitive property transactions in prime central London. Recognised as one of the leading property advisors in London, Richard was named “Property Advisor of the Year” in 2019 by Spears. Prior to founding RFR, Richard was a lawyer and partner at two of London’s leading law firms. That background ensures the firm delivers a powerful combination of market leading expertise and exacting professional standards.